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Best Vacation Rentals in Braga District - Holiday Lettings - Cabins
Price per day
Price per day
$1 $750 -
- 5
- 4 and above
- 3 and above
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Price per day
$1 $750 -
- 5
- 4 and above
- 3 and above
Instant book properties
- Show only Instant Book properties
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0 Vacation rentals
How we sort results
Properties on Holiday Lettings can be sorted/ranked in the following ways:
Properties in the USA are ordered using various data points, including the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, number of photographs, location, amenities, length of time the property has been advertised by VRBO on Holiday Lettings and Tripadvisor, page views and data related to property interest and bookings, such as our advertising revenue when the property is booked, and cancellation rates. For results outside of the USA, properties are sorted based solely on the total number of reviews of the property, including reviews submitted to TA and those submitted on VRBO, from highest to lowest.
Price low to high / high to low
Orders properties based on either (i) the property’s minimum nightly price, if the traveller has searched without dates, or (ii) the average nightly price for the applicable week of the year, if the traveller has input dates.
Total reviews
Orders properties by total number of reviews attached to the listing (highest to lowest), including the reviews submitted to TA and those submitted on VRBO, irrespective of average score. Where there is a listing with the same number of reviews as another (or a listing with no reviews), properties are sorted according to their proximity to the searched location.
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